Ms.Polished Opinion

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A Personal Message to Me from Me (Birthday Message)..a msg to us all!

Hey There! Back so soon! Well I'm glad you popped back in as Today's message is an Important message I have...for myself (& anyone getting a little older this year)!

Dear Karita,

What do you need to remember going into your 28th year? A few things actually! So here are just a few....for now!

  1. Remember, don't let negative people affect your energy!
  2. You are older and should be a little wiser. So, trust yourself more!
  3. Going after your dreams doesn't need to be a public thing. Keep more to yourself and your partner.
  4. Spend more time alone with your mother.
  5. Allow yourself to be MORE vulnerable with your love, he is who you've chosen, so remember that and let him in more.
  6. Having it all figured out and all your ducks neatly aligned is a nice idea, but not realistic. Allow yourself to adjust to the craziness of life.
  7. You're ideas ARE AWESOME don't keep them pending for so long.
  8. Take more leaps of faith.
  9. Stop spending so frivolously.
  10. Remember you are AWESOME just as you are; but a little change and evolution never hurt anyone, and if it's hurting you...STOP IT.
  11. Try to implement more routine in your life, you're comfortable with routine.
  12. Taking leaps of faith is apart of life, so smile on the way down. It's going to be a journey either way.
  13. You NEED to sing more and let your creative self be free.
  14. Practice Patience.
  15. Re-Evaluate your goals and set new ones.
  16. Don't short change yourself anymore.
  17. Start taking better care of yourself. Mind, body and Soul.
  18. Love. Love more. 


I guess that's it for now. When I experience or realize the final TEN, I'll share them with you too!

If you have any words or wisdom or pieces of advice to share, pop down below and let us know!

Yours Truly,