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DIY Project: How To Make your own Cinema Light Box for Under $30!

DIY Project: How To Make your own Cinema Light Box for Under $30!

Welcome Back! You know how much I enjoy saving money! And D.I.Y Projects tend to be fun and cost effective! And Since I've been wanting a Cinema Light box for ever..AND I refuse to pay their crazy prices, I decided to create my own! Scroll down for instructions and pictures!

I'm so excited to show you all the final product of my Cinema Light Box! It took some time to get it right and while it's not even close to perfect....it's mine and if I ever want to make another one, I know JUST how to do it and what I need! 

Things You'll Need:


Finally Found the LED Light strip that I had been looking for all online! In the DOLLAR store for $3.00 CAD where as online it could have ran me almost $10. So I bought a few of them and stored them away! They're also self-adhesive and can but cut to properly fit anything I may need it too!

1. Shadow Box - I got mine at Michaels Craft store for $14.99

2. Ruler - Already have one at home

3. Exacto Knife - Dollarama $1.00

4. Glue Gun - Already Had one at home

5. Pen/ Pencil - Already have one at home

6. Scissors - Already have one at home

7.  Fairy Lights / Christmas Lights - I got mine at the Dollar store for $3.00

8. Cutting Board - $2.00 Dollar Craft Store

9. Clear Plastic Sheets & Foggy Scrap-booking Paper & Thick Construction paper - Craft Store $4.99

10. Alphabet Stickers - I got mine at the Dollar Craft Store $2.99

In total I spent about $30.49! The more items you already have, the less you have to spend!

Steps To Follow:

1. Take Light box Apart:

Take light box apart and separate the different pieces. The glass, the backboard, and the inner frame.

2. Start With Glass:

Set your glass aside and trace your foggy scrapbook paper to fit your glass!

Then take your white construction paper and align it across your glass to prepare to cut your letter shelfs! I then glued to pieces of paper together to thicken it!

Then I measured the amount of spacing I wanted between each shelf and hot glued them to the glass. Some might suggest E6000 glue, and if you have it use it! But Hot glue worked for me just fine!

3. Scrapbooking Paper

Once the glass has dried you can put it back into the larger frame and set the foggy paper you've already cut out on top of that! (this will help with the light not shining directly through!

Now that they're in place, set them aside!

4. Take Inner Frame -UPDATED-

Take the inner frame, and first just to make it more secure, glue it/ tape it around the corners to keep it from moving around too much!

Then take your Fairy lights/ Christmas Lights and either glue or take them to the inside of your frame. However make sure to align the lights closer to the outer edge of the frame. 

The Closer the lights are to the glass, the more you can see each individual light. So Place them closer to the backboard of the box.


My new LED light strip that I've added is also placed towards the edge of the frame, away from the glass.

5. Add Foil Paper

Take some foil paper or white construction paper, and fastened it to the back. This way your light is reflecting off of it to bounce back to the glass!

6. Inner Frame

Take your inner frame and place it inside the shadow box to prepare to close the box!

Make sure your foggy paper is in place as it will be more secured once you place your inner frame inside!

Test out your lights once you've added your batteries!


7. Backing Insert

Now it's time to finish the box and place the backing inside

8. Take your clear plastic sheets

 Use your cutting board and prepare your clear plastic sheets. Take your sheets and measure the size you want your letters to be, so they will fit your letter shelves! Once you've got your measurements, set them and cut away! Using your exacto knife as it will give you a clean cut! Once you've got all your letters cut and applied to your sheets individually

9. Take your letters

Spell out your favorite quote and apply it to your light box on your letter shelfs!

10. -UPDATE- Light It Up! You're All Done!

I don't know about YOU! But I love doing DIY projects!! And When I get my own apartment, I'll definitely create another one or two! I hope this step by step guide helps you to create your own!

What did you think of my step-by-step guide? Need any more clarification!? Should I spray paint the shadow box White or Gold!? Let me know in the comments down below!


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