~ Canadian Content Creator ~

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How To: Create a Mood board on PicMonkey [A Step-by-Step Guide]

How To: Create a Mood board on PicMonkey [A Step-by-Step Guide]

Welcome Back! Time for another HOW-TO post! I figured something out the other day and thought I'd share it with you all! Anyone who is a Pic Monkey lover like myself likes figuring out how to do cool things with it! So here's my step-by-step guide to create a mood board on PicMonkey! Let's get right into it!









So here we go! Follow along with my steps to create your moodboad! If You create one and share it with the world, please tag me in the picture! Don't forget to follow me on my favorite social media outlets! Or contact with me if you have ANY questions!

Preliminary Work: 

-If you're technical like me you can find the HEX # for your color choices or RGB code online easily and save them. Then you can go on PicMonkey, enter your HEX# and get your colored image and save it to use for your Mood board!

-Once you've figured out your color scheme and go on and create a board on Pinterest to collect your colorful inspiration pieces!


STEP ONE: Go To the PicMonkey website:

I'm back with another How To: Create a Mood Board on PicMonkey [A Step-by-Step Guide]! Click and get a step by step guide along with picture examples! Enjoy!




I'm back with another How To: Create a Mood Board on PicMonkey [A Step-by-Step Guide]! Click and get a step by step guide along with picture examples! Enjoy!


STEP THREE: Choose your desired # of boxes

If you're mood board has 6 or more colors you can add another box easily. Take your extra picture and bring it towards the end of the box and a little blue box will appear, this is where you'll be able to add the extra box (See example below)!

I'm back with another How To: Create a Mood Board on PicMonkey [A Step-by-Step Guide]! Click and get a step by step guide along with picture examples! Enjoy!

How to add an additional box

I'm back with another How To: Create a Mood Board on PicMonkey [A Step-by-Step Guide]! Click and get a step by step guide along with picture examples! Enjoy!


STEP FOUR: Add Your Color Blocks into your desired boxes, move around until desired look achieved!

I'm back with another How To: Create a Mood Board on PicMonkey [A Step-by-Step Guide]! Click and get a step by step guide along with picture examples! Enjoy!


STEP FIVE: Save Color Scheme layout when done!

I'm back with another How To: Create a Mood Board on PicMonkey [A Step-by-Step Guide]! Click and get a step by step guide along with picture examples! Enjoy!


STEP SIX: Go Back to Your Main Page and Open a new Collage blank page!

I'm back with another How To: Create a Mood Board on PicMonkey [A Step-by-Step Guide]! Click and get a step by step guide along with picture examples! Enjoy!


STEP SEVEN: Choose The Layout that best suites you!

You Can find the best options at L-egant, Pinter-etsy, Tile Boarder and Jigsaw!

I'm back with another How To: Create a Mood Board on PicMonkey [A Step-by-Step Guide]! Click and get a step by step guide along with picture examples! Enjoy!


STEP EIGHT: Then upload your already saved color scheme picture. Repeat 2nd part of Step3

Once uploaded take that block and add it to your layout in a new box, repeating additional box steps in Step THREE. Creating a new box on the side, adjust as necessary to fit!

I'm back with another How To: Create a Mood Board on PicMonkey [A Step-by-Step Guide]! Click and get a step by step guide along with picture examples! Enjoy!


STEP NINE: Add your inspiration pieces

Upload and Use the pictures you found that correspond with your initial color picks, on pinterest and fill in your boxes to finish your mood board.


STEP TEN: Rearrange and Save

Re-arrange and move images around to best suite how you want your board to feel and then Save!

I'm back with another How To: Create a Mood Board on PicMonkey [A Step-by-Step Guide]! Click and get a step by step guide along with picture examples! Enjoy!



You can go the extra mile and upload your saved image in EDIT and use the text option to add your colors HEX# and name!

I'm back with another How To: Create a Mood Board on PicMonkey [A Step-by-Step Guide]! Click and get a step by step guide along with picture examples! Enjoy!


And then you're done!

Now this is helpful if you're planning to decorate a room or create a color scheme for website design! It's helpful in a number of different ways and now you can do it on a website that can be used for free!


LIKE it?? PIN it!!

I'm back with another How To: Create a Mood Board on PicMonkey [A Step-by-Step Guide]! Click and get a step by step guide along with picture examples! Enjoy!


Did you Find this step by step guide helpful? Do you think you'll try creating one for yourself?? Do you need me to clarify anything?? If so please let me know in the comments section below!

Yours Truly,

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