~ Canadian Content Creator ~

Sharing everything from organizational tips, styling and decor tips and DIY’s + Cricut fun!

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Energy (Lucky me)

30 Things to Accomplish By 30!

30 Things to Accomplish By 30!


I've been inspired by a few fantastic bloggers,  La Petite Noob  Is one of them, and one of my fav Canadian bloggers! So I've decided since I'm 29 I figured I've got some time! I have a lot to accomplish and hope to share my journey with all of you amazing people! Scroll down for it!







As I go on my journey I'll be writing posts in regards to my list and tagging them here! As well as any task accomplished will be italics!  So let's get into it!

It's Time To Push forward with chasing my dreams both big and small! Here's my new post! 30 by 30: Things to Accomplish by my 30th Birthday! Click for more!


1. Start a new career: 

So here I explain why I left my job in the first place! & Here's how I got my new job!

2. Travel as an adult - without parents!:

3. Get a Car:

4. Move Out!:

Man this was a LONG TIME COMING!!! But we did it, with tips as always! Read here

5. Go over the border for shopping!:

6. Get Professional photos done:

7. Take my mom shopping:

8. Get Couples photos done:

9. Take Singing Lessons:

10. Start taking Yoga:

11. Road Trip - US or Canadian:

12. Get a Full Body Massage:

13. Start my YouTube Channel:

14. Learn to meditate:

15. Do karaoke and show my chops!:

16. Zip - Line -- It's a thing I gotta conquer:

17. Glam-ping!:

18. Get Promoted: 

19. Start and maintain a healthy lifestyle (diets don't work):

20. Take My Blog to a new level:

I relaunched this past July 17, 2017 and redesigned my blog too. Read here

21. Save up 3-5k:

I still can't believe we did it, you can TRULY do anything you put your mind to. Read more here

22. Learn to do a handstand:

23. Participate in a tough mudder:

24. Go BACK to a nude beach and feel confident enough to go completely nude:

25. Have a girls weekend filled with laughter, adventure and memories!:

26. Go TO Mardi Gras:

27. Start to take pole dancing lessons again:

28. Take Dancing lessons with A!: 

29. Rebuild my relationship with my Dad:

30. Travel To/Through Europe!: 


You Should Definitely Join in the fun! And create your won list for your big age (if you so choose!) What's something BIG that you'd like to accomplish before a mile stone birthday?! Let me know in the comments down below!

Pin It too!

It's Time To Push forward with chasing my dreams both big and small! Here's my new post! 30 by 30: Things to Accomplish by my 30th Birthday! Click for more!

Yours Truly,

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