Ms.Polished Opinion

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Do's & Don'ts as a Blogger & Boss Babe

Hey! Welcome back, I was inspired by a blogger and fellow boss babe today to write this post! I know this topic has been talked about many time's but once again we have to address the issues we face with fellow bloggers/insta-bloggers/boss babes! We gotta take care of each other. 

Scroll down and check out my Do's & Dont's!





I'm by know means a big time blogger with a grand success story, however I've definitely learned as I've continue to blogg! So I thought I would share some of the things I've learned to DO & NOT DO as a blogger to other bloggers!!


Comment and like on your fellow bloggers content. If you like what you see/read don't be shy to share that you liked it! We ALL appreciate and smile when we see our content/product/post has reached someone else! And commenting on a blog post or sharing your experience is so valuable to us!


Support your fellow boss babes! If you like a fellow boss babe's product then show your support! 


Connect & Collaborate: We all can learn from each other and help each other move along in our journeys! Connecting with your fellow local bloggers and collaborating helps you both and really makes you feel like you're not alone in the blogger world!


Share what you know! Learned something new about a new platform? Or some tips that will help other bloggers, then SHARE what you know! There's enough subscribers to go around, let's lift each other up!


Share your fellow bloggers content and ALWAYS GIVE CREDIT! Someone looking for a good blog/ig about shopping? Know a good page to recommend, do the same! It's usually paid forward too! Sharing a bloggers helpful post/tips - credit them!


Offer things to your subbies and fellow bloggers you can't deliver! Our community is vast and word can travel fast if someone is lying to get but not giving!


Don't ask for free items!! You wouldn't go into Chanel and ask for a free bag, you'd make that investment! It's EVEN MORE important to do that for smaller brands trying to get their products out there and seen!! If an item is not offered for free, it's not cool to ask! We're all trying to make it!


IF you are going to comment on peoples posts, PLEASE READ the caption before commenting something super generic. I've seen it one too many times where someone posts a heart felt, honest or serious caption and someone comments "that's so great!"....READ the caption and then comment, it takes a few extra seconds!


Be Stingy with your knowledge! Keeping the "secret to success" isn't really the thing to do these days! There's room for us all, so share when you can when you learn something new that can help your fellow bloggers/boss babes grow!


Use someone else's content/tips/ post and publish it as your own! It's NOT CUTE to be known as a content thief! People don't forget that kind of act! So be chill, don't steal!


Like It?? PIN it!!

Ever seen something happening in our blogger community that just made you smile or cringe? Share it with me in the comments below! Let's get the word out! Share this post and share your thoughts too!

Yours Truly,