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10 Helpful Tips For Blogging More Consistently!

Welcome Back! I don't know about you, but every now and then I appreciate some advice from bloggers who seem to have it all going on! I appreciate all kinds of little nuggets of advice, tips, helpful guidelines and more! So today I thought I'd share 10 HELPFUL TIPS FOR BLOGGING MORE CONSISTENTLY! Scroll down to jump right in!












1. Blog Post Planning:

When I'm thinking about blog posts for the next month I try to have them pre-planned as best as possible! I sit down at the end of the month, consider what the month in front of my looks like, what's the season, consider holidays and then think up posts that would be relevant to the month! I sit down and think up a few per category! I have four categories and try to have two per category! Then I put it in my agenda and have it penciled in!


2. Photo Planning & Flat Lays:

When I'm planing to take a batch of photos, I try to look at my props, the new things I've bought I'd like to throw in a shot and just think about how I can use them! Then when I get the chance, I take all my props and have a mini photo shoot. I set out to take about 40 photos because it usually ends up being about half than that! I set up flays I can use on my social as well as just general images on a blog post! 

If I know I need photos for a blog post, I take care of those shortly after I have my monthly posts thought out! 


3. Remember your Niche:

What were you excited about blogging about when you started your blog and picked your niche? Was it about Capsule wardrobes? Luxury shopping? Smart Shopping? Whatever it is, make sure to stick to your niche posts and prioritize those posts above any of the others you have planned! We know our visitors like consistency so being consistent with the content you post is helpful!


4. Schedule yourself appropriately:

Now I know MOST of us are not full time bloggers and we are doing our best to balance work life, social life and blogger responsibilities! I've found that being ahead of myself and my schedule always helps to keep my on track! Tying in with numbers 1 and 2, planning AHEAD and having things that usually take a while done before hand are a great way to keep your post schedule on point!

So if you've been able to take most of your blog post photos done at the beginning of the month, you can come home and write out your post and have most of it done already! Also if you have a post planned but the photos need to be taken still, having other photos already banked means you can switch around your schedule as you see fit! You make your schedule so you're in control of when things go up!


5. Step away from your niche:

While it's important to keep your readers and viewers happy by posting the content you know they love, there's nothing wrong with offering up a post every now and then that's not what your readers would expect! A little shock factor will always be an exciting deviation, as well as fun for you! I know you it's easy to get writers block so doing something new and exciting for YOU the writer will help keep the joy of blogging alive!


6. Build a Blog Post Idea Bank:

I've found that having a blog post bank for those moments where I'm late on creating content to just grab something that's workable is absolutely necessary! There have been times when the week or weekend just gets away from me and I need to whip something up quick the bank saves my butt! Now thankfully, other bloggers have lists of blog post ideas they've shared on pinterest! These lists are SUPER helpful! I've saved a bunch of them, you can check them out HERE 

Also, flipping through magazines sometimes helps spark an idea or a conversation you might enjoy having on your blog!


7. Scan other blogs/websites:

Now I'm never a fan of idea theft, but with ALL the lovely bloggers out there it's important to know that blog posts that look similar at times are going to happen! SO if you do get inspired by another persons post, make sure to give the appropriate shout out! You're MUCH better off just sharing with others where your inspiration came from than just stealing an idea and then getting an upset email a few weeks later!


8. Talk to Other People:

Another way to stay consistent is to talk to other people! Other bloggers, family, friends, your partner! I have seen collaborations come about just because people are looking to keep their content fresh and exciting! Talking to people can help you bounce ideas off others or have someone who isn't usually thinking about blog posts fire off some weird ideas off! Sometimes they're a little crazy but if you think more about it, you might be able to find something from it!


9. Connect with the local Blogger community:

If you have the opportunity, connect with other bloggers in your area! Whether it's a Facebook page to start, a local hang out or meetings, I think connecting with other bloggers who totally understand where you're coming from is a great way to bounce ideas off of each other, and again build up opportunities to collaborate! AND! If you have a blogger tribe, you guys can help each other with photos' etc!


10. Prioritize. Dedicate. Commit:

You've signed on to do this, it's because of a number of different reasons! And one of them was because you wanted to connect with people and build your own tribe! So above everything else you have to decide this is what you want to commit to (it's NOT an easy thing to do!). Dedicate yourself, carve out the little moments needed to be consistent! Set a blogging schedule you can absolutely commit to and do it! If it means something, you'll find the time for it!


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I hope this was helpful for you new bloggers out there! Which tip is your favorite!? Any tips you could share with me!? Share it with us in the comments below!

Yours Truly,