Ms.Polished Opinion

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5 Fun Bff Date Night Ideas to do this fall!

Date Nights are essential in every relationship! Especially with your girls/bff's! You need to recharge, have several laugh fits and have a great night, no pressure! So, to keep you busy this fall and having fun here is a list just for you! 5 FUN BFF Date Night Ideas to do this fall!






#1 Paint & Wine

I've seen this on my local Groupon app and it looks like a lot of fun! You and your girls go and get your artist skills on, channel your inner Picasso and sip some wine! You giggle up a storm and then when you're done, you show off your one of a kind piece and go grab a bite to eat!

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#2 Great Room Escape

This one you'll likely want to go with a small group (minimum of 4)! You pick a room, you are given a certain amount of time and some tips for your room choice, then you'll have to find a series of clues that will help you find the code that will help you ESCAPE YOUR ROOM!! It's great for team building and to see whose got those spidey senses!

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#3 Wine Tasting

So I'm not saying drinking is the answer, but Wine tasting is not only chic/fancy but it's also fun! No You don't need to go in there and get Snooki Wasted but if you've never done it before it could be great! Then of course, after get some delicious food to go with your wine! Cause Food and Wine are AWESOME!

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#4 Sushi Making

Do you love sushi?? Do you love food? Why not learn to make some? Gather your girls and go make some of your favorites and enjoy! This also involves FOOD :D

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#5 Burlesque Class/

Pole Dancing/Dance Class

This is one I absolutely loved doing and it can be turned into a weekly activity to get you out with your girls, working out, and learning something new! PLUS it's nice to learn something new and sexy and log off of your online life for an hour or two! I enjoyed pole dancing and had a lot of laughs but my friend and I worked our bums off!

And the picture that I'm using tonight comes from a website that get this.....offers BURLESQUE AND WINE NIGHT!!!! DOUBLE THE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!

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I mean does it get much better than these fun options!!! There's so many more I could have listed but I liked these 5! Let me know in the comments below, if you'd like a PART TWO of 5 MORE Fun BFF date night ideas and I'd be happy to share! 

Yours Truly,