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A Love Letter to ME & 5 Reasons Why YOU should write one too!

A Love Letter to ME & 5 Reasons Why YOU should write one too!

In Honor of Valentine's Day Passing and the celebration of Love. I decided to send some love to me from me! I think it's important to show some love from time to time! So I've written a love letter to and I'm sharing 5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD WRITE ONE TOO! Scroll down to read my letter and the reasons why you should too!













In Honor of Valentine's day, I decided to write myself a love letter, and today I'm sharing it with all of you as well as 5 reasons You Should Write One Too! Click to check it out!

When all else fails, you love you and that's the most important relationship and love you could ask for! So let's show some love to ourselves!

Dear Karita,

Let Me START off by saying YOU ARE AWESOME! In all your imperfect glory, you are pretty awesome! You are strange at times and that's cool too! Allowing yourself to finally be that wacky crazy woman who dances in the middle of isles at a store, to singing out loud at bus stops! You've come a long way, and I think you often forget that! You've allowed yourself to bloom and it's been a long time coming! You are definitely stubborn at times, but I think you're fully aware of that! You are creative and every day you're allowing yourself to be more creative...I love that!

You aren't super chic, a fashionista or a make -up...even novice and that's ok. You can do what you can do and the more you become ok with that, the happier you'll be! You're determined and sometimes that's to a fault. But even if you don't feel the smartest, or brightest in the room, you know you are VERY hard working and more determined than most. While failure does extremely upset you, you don't let it defeat you, you get super motivated by it!

You are so strong...and yet so sensitive at times. You cry at the thought of puppies in pain or that you just aren't getting something, but that doesn't make you weak! REMEMBER THAT! This year you have high hopes (as you do every year) but I think this year is really going to be different! You are LUCKY, and that's something you don't remember often.

You are lucky.

You are beautiful.

You are strong.

You are unstoppable.

You are POSITIVELY driven.

You are a believer.

You are hopeful.

You are helpful.

You are Karita Camille and you are just a ball of awesome and the more you remember that, the better of you'll be! Now go on and remember that bit of information, daily!

Why You Should Write One Too!

In Honor of Valentine's day, I decided to write myself a love letter, and today I'm sharing it with all of you as well as 5 reasons You Should Write One Too! Click to check it out!
  1.  It's perfectly healthy to show YOURSELF love! It's actually a great idea. Showing yourself love helps with your confidence.

  2. Sometimes you need to be reminded and to acknowledge what it is about you that makes you great and worthy of all of the things you are striving for!

  3. If nobody is tooting your own horn, then toot it yourself every now and then. Without being cocky, reminding yourself and others that you've got some skills worth noting may turn some heads, but might make people think!

  4. When you acknowledge your strengths, you also take note of your weaknesses! Once you are better aware, you have a few things you can now work on! Nothing wrong with acknowledging your weaknesses and trying to better them!

  5. In a world of narcissism and self-absorption, it is important to look way passed the physical, looking deeper into who YOU are what you're really made up of!


So if you're just sitting around, give yourself 10-20 minutes and just write out a love letter to yourself! Spending time thinking about why you are the awesome person you are is a good thing and don't you ever forget it!

LIKE it?? PIN It!

In Honor of Valentine's day, I decided to write myself a love letter, and today I'm sharing it with all of you as well as 5 reasons You Should Write One Too! Click to check it out!

So now is your chance! Can you think of a few reasons as to why you're awesome!? Write it out! I hope you all enjoyed this post!

Yours Truly,

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