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Value Check: Philosophy Edition

Value Check: Philosophy Edition

Do YOU want to know if Philosophy is worth the money? Click here to find out more!

So It's another edition of value check. Ever heard of the brand Philosophy? It's a brand that features, creams, shower gel, fragrances for the body and home and so much more! Now some might see this brand in stores like Sephora and even wal-mart if you're lucky! But the price is usually higher than your every day person would like to spend! Luckily, I've tried it out for you!

The Shower gel smells amazing, my only issue is the bottle, as it started to finish, getting the gel out of the bottle started feeling like a nut crunching contest! I needed all my forearm strength (good thing I'm like a jacked muscled up chick...LOL). The body mist, I'm kind of obsessed with, especially during the summer, when I'm going out and I want to have that smooth, silky sheen to your legs and arms, it totally does that for you! (LOVE IT!). Then the fragrance is next. It's a subtle smell, and I use it after a shower on my way to bed, just a spritz is all you need. The cream/lotion, also awesome. I found that you don't need a lot of any of the items to feel good, just a spritz, or a small bit makes you smell and feel silky smooth!

So I'd rate this a WORTH IT. It is definitely on the pricier side, so I'd say ask for a kit for your birthday or Christmas or if you want to splurge and treat yourself after a promotion or a job well done, then go for it! Otherwise, it's AWESOME...if it's in your price range! OR, buy one piece at a time!

Do YOU want to know if Philosophy is worth the money? Click here to find out more!
Do YOU want to know if Philosophy is worth the money? Click here to find out more!

Do you have any Products you're wondering about? Want me to look into? Share your thoughts in the comment box below!

Until Then,

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