~ Canadian Content Creator ~

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Value Check: L'Occitaine

Value Check: L'Occitaine

l'occitDo YOU want to know L'Occitaine is worth your money? Click here to find out more!ane

Ever wondered if the brand/item you saw in the store was worth the price tag!? I have too! So in my value check series, I'll take a look at the items you suggest, and let you know, in my humble opinion if it's worth all those pennies! 

Fun-Fact: did you know here in Canada, we no longer have pennies in circulation? Like at all?! I don't know about anywhere else, and to be honest I didn't holla at google first, but I think that's so weird. I Grew up with pennies in my change purse.

But back to the our conversation! Is it Worth it?! ...So I've given this a WORTH IT stamp of approval. It is worth it. If you've got the pennies to dish out! It offers a smooth scent (kind of rose-y-ish) and actually leaves your hands feeling moisturized without that heavy, greasy feeling or that filmy feeling some hand creams give you, while leaving your hand feeling completely dry. No for some of you, dry hands is'nt a big deal (no shade) but for me, I can not stand uber dry hands. And, in my job, (if you don't know what I do, check out my About Me) I get dry hands quickly so it's definitely nice to have this compact hand cream hidden in my fanny pack so I can take care of those dry moments! If you don't have the pennies to splurge on this L'Occitane Hand cream, then your local drug store brand will do just fine until you do feel like splurging!

My current Collection of these delicious bad boys!

My current Collection of these delicious bad boys!

- This is NOT a sponsored post - 

Do you have any other Lotion Brands you're curious about? Any to suggest?

Let us know in the Comments below!

Yours Truly,

Lake Front: Wedding Season & Weekend Getaway

Lake Front: Wedding Season & Weekend Getaway

Popular Summer Scent: Miss Dior

Popular Summer Scent: Miss Dior