~ Canadian Content Creator ~

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Home Life: WallPops - Accent Wall: Brick Wallpaper

Home Life: WallPops - Accent Wall: Brick Wallpaper


Time flies and the decorating keeps on going! I guess it's true what they say, you're never REALLY done decorating and primping your place! I'm going for Pinterest Goals :D So Scroll down for my Home Decor project and Enjoy!


So we're still going strong in our apartment, making things feel more homey and cozy! I knew very early on that I wanted to do this! This is not a sponsored post I just really love this wallpaper from WallPopsI had purchased four packs and thankfully it was more than enough, but DEFINITELY measure and re-measure your space!

So here's a bit of a step by step process in photos AND videos!:

Our bedroom before:


So We're prepping our wall and tools:


So here is our first little video sharing what we're doing and why we're doing it, shout out to A as he was and is always such a crucial part of our home projects!

One half of the wall is done and looking so good...but the snags are coming!

Then an issue popped up, watch our little video talking about it:

This process was not easy, we started at about 2pm and finished at about 4 and thats including the hiccups, one being we realized our ceiling is uneven LOL So we had to spend some time re-adjusting over and over again and matching the bricks as best as possible. It's STILL not perfect, and for the perfectionist in me I was kinda upset, but an uneven ceiling is beyond my control so I got over it!

Here we are talking about the finished product! 

& Finally a quick video view of our cleaned up and lit up room! it's NOT perfect, but I LOVE it! The product was easy to use with lots of instructions to refer to!

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Are you ready for my first Blog/Vlog post! Click to check out my WallPops wallpaper experience and final verdict!

What do you think of my perfectly imperfect brick wall, wallpaper project? How were my vlogging skills, all criticism welcomed! I hope you enjoyed this, and as always if you have any tips on how I can do my dining room wallpaper better, ILL TAKE IT, in the comments section down below!

Until Then, Yours Truly

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